DIY Guide: How to Build a Basic SIPs Structure
If you can build this type of SIPs structure, you will have the basic techniques to build your dream garden happy place.

We cover how each piece fits together and construction techniques:
There are three super important construction parts for building with SIPs...Frames, Batons and Splines.
Once you learn the basic build techniques using these three parts, you can build virtually any SIPs structure.
Frames: after the base, this is the next step. The frame is what secures the walls to the base - take you time and be accurate and the walls will slot in and the structure will go up in no time.
Batons: these lengths of wood are used to cap off the bear insulation between the boards, and you also screw the roof down into the batons on the tops of the wall panels.
Splines: these timber lengths slot in between the wall panels and fix each panel to the next one along.
No matter how big or small the project, it's all simply a case of framing, batoning and splining until the job is done!